School Event Decorations

School Annual Day Events:

School Annual Day Events are nothing but the whole year exposure of school and individual academic performance of each student as well as their extracurricular activities. Teachers has retrieve their talents in appropriate areas like singing, dancing, dramas/skit, sports activities etc., It may bring good qualities and hidden talents of a student. Every student has involves in any skill based events to exposure his/her talent. School management drive their student with brilliance of knowledge and care. So that the students are grew in the form of outstanding performance.

Schools were encourage their students, to participate in different kind of events like school day, inter-school meet, national level competition and so on. Students are follow the guidance of teachers and they acquire which student has strong skills in appropriate areas. Students are perform in good manner by these sort of talent activities, they extract lot of skills which has to find out and it will better outcomes, they were performing with good knowledgeable, self confidence, social respect, decision making and so on…

School Annual Day Activities:

  • Prayer song
  • Welcome notes
  • Annual Report
  • Prize distribution
  • Guest of Honor and speech
  • Cultural Events
  • Vote of Thanks
  • National Anthem

Annual Day Cultural Events:

    • Sound | Lightings | Truss:

Sounds and Lightings has play a vital role in every school day cultural events. We have Professional sound quality systems like JBL , Pope, Yamaha, Exo etc., There is lot outcome of sound quality based on audience gathering as well as event at outdoor / indoor. We use Line-Array setup for long throw sound resembles to total guest in case of 2000pax and above. Lightings are very special ambience for cultural event stage, student are exciting during the dance performance because the colorful lightings has emerge their eyes and its was interact more to audience too.Truss setup gives looks magnificently for dance stage, It has available in single side truss, four side –square truss and this setup will emerge the show has to be highlighted.

    • Stage | Platform | Podium | Gallery

Performing any form of event task or activity, stage is much essential for annual day event. It is available in variable set of size in length, width and heights with finished stage carpet. There are different varieties and colors available in stage carpet. Stage Podium is main thing for event to do event mentor of whole function, it was very useful for MoC(Master of Ceremony), Chief Guest Speech etc.,

    • LED wall/screen | LCD Projector | LCD Tv

Our LED wall is shows the giant display for guest and students, it was looks big screen to display Live video on video camera and laptop system. Based on size and requirement it will be provide with HD quality and its latest version too. LCD Projector with individual stand or the projector black masking is another option for Led screen/wall. LCD Tv also useful for huge gathering of audience in hall/ground, it has to be placed near the audience on left and right side with certain interval.

    • Sign boards | Tents | VIP Chairs | Generator-Set

During the Annual day Parents and guest have to visit the school and signboards are essential to guide the parents to exact event place and so on., Tents, VIP Chairs, Sofaset, Genset are important things in annual day function. Gen-set is key for whole event to progress power supply for all things.

    • Green Room | Barry Guard | Ground Lightings | Banners

Cultural participate students should stay in comfort zone like Green room, main areas should covered with barry-guard and dark areas should lighten with focus lightings.

    • Dance School | Dance Props | Dance Costumes | Dramas | Skit

Most attractive part of event is dance, we are organize professional dance master to co-operate and give-up best training from kinder-garden to higher school students. We are having different varieties of dance props to engage the dance team in group and solo. Our masters practicing the students for different concept of dramas and skit too. We will arrange for all dance and drama costumes too..

    • Medals | Shields | Certificate | Trophy | Momentum | Gifts

We are deal with student medals, shields, trophies, certificates, gifts and guest momentum too. Based on events medals, trophies, shields will designed in customized with good creative works. Also having variety of materials like Brass, Silver, Wood, Glass, Cyrstal etc.,

    • Chief Guest | Celebrities | Volunteers | Bouncers | Welcome Girls

We are organizing the event with celebrity artist as guest in your school day functions, it may be cine artist / professionals / Scientist etc.,

    • Debating:

Debating is a process of arguing a particular topic with different point of views as this may encourage the students to get involved and generate qualities of leadership and teamwork.

    • Exhibition:

The students to actively participate the science exhibition in order to bring out the talents from the students as they can provide modern ideology and solutions to the current problematic areas. The Student whose enjoy the whole academic year with that special day, ie., Annual Day Celebrations. The Celebration session has starts before a month ago with all special drills and extra curricular activities and games too. On the performance basis student will receive special prize and awards like Championship, Best Student, Outstanding student of the year, Best Class and also academic related simulations.

    • Musical Concert:

Musical concerts are engaged by Melky Celebrations offering various teams. various group bound to participate and winning team is encouraged with lots of complements as well as special awards.

    • Dance Shows:

Organizing various set of dance programs to develop the talent of the participant who are participating in the event. The dance are performed as a single member or group of members and individual choreographers are assigned for the team.

    • Singing Competition:

Students are encouraging to participate in singing competition and give expert guidance as well as good practicing provided to interested students. Trained member who are having the vast experience in music gathered to judge the participants and guide them to success.

Our Service Locations:

We are doing professional school event works for CBSE | ICSE | Matric in all over tamilnadu and major cities are Coimbatore | Chennai | Erode | Tirupur | Nilgiris | Pollachi | Namakkal | Tiruchengode | Salem | Madurai | Trichy | Karur | Tirunelveli | Virudhunagar | Theni | Dindugul | Palladam | Palani | Udumalpet and Sathyamangalam etc.,

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